A survey performed by ChangeWave claims that 31% of those asked somewhat likely or very likely to buy the new iPhone when it is released later this year. Apple has released a new iPhone every year since 2007, making this Apple’s sixth handset.
Of the over 4,000 people surveyed, 14% are “very likely” to buy the new iPhone, while 17% are “somewhat likely” to do so. Compared to last year, this cumulative number is up nearly 10%. As a result, ChangeWave claims that demand for the new device is at “unprecedented levels,” and that this will be the most popular iPhone ever released. It’s become status quo to state that, however, as every iPhone tends to sell significantly more than the previous one.
The survey was “primarily North American,” with 88% of respondents located in the United States. It’s safe to say, then, that 10% or so of those surveyed were Canadian, and influenced the survey in some way. Are you one of the 31% very or somewhat likely to buy the new iPhone?
Source: ChangeWave
Via: Business Insider
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