
Could the Sony Xperia Z be the best Android phone for low light photos? (Video)

The Xperia Z and ZL have identical 13MP Exmor R camera sensors, and judging from early low light video tests, the phone’s new HDR video mode is exceeding two of the most popular Android devices in quality. FrAndroidTube has posted a video showing off the quality of the Xperia Z’s sensor in low light conditions as compared to the Samsung Galaxy Note II and the Google Nexus 4.

The tests show that the Xperia Z has superior sensitivity to low light situations, with more accurate colours, better dynamic range and clearer audio than the Note and Nexus. In fact, the Nexus really displays its vulnerabilities in this test, coming in well below the two others in terms of video and sound quality.

While it would have been nice to see the Xperia Z go up against the iPhone 5 and Nokia Lumia 920, this test gives an indication as to what we can expect. Sony’s got itself a great camera phone on its hands, and we can’t wait to try it for ourselves in the coming months.

Via: YouTube

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