HTC is planning a media event next week to showcase its next flagship smartphone. This rumoured Android device has been known as the M7, but might come to market as simply the HTC One. This new HTC device made a quick public appearance a few days ago by CEO Peter Chou and the rumoured specs have it sporting a 4.7-inch display, a 13MP camera and a 2MP front-facing camera that has “ultrapixels,” a 1.7Ghz quad-core processor, 2GB of RAM, 16-64GB of internal storage and a 2300mAh battery.
On Twitter today, reputable device leaker EVLeaks posted an image that is said to be the HTC One. This looks similar in design to previous HTC devices (Legend, Hero, One X) and clearly has a couple speakers. HTC also declared that 2013 will see a “new sound and camera experience” embedded into their devices. No word yet on what the One is made of, looks like metal/aluminum.
We’ll bring you more details from the New York press event on February 19th.
Source: Twitter
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