There’s been a rumour for the past couple months that Motorola will release a new flagship smartphone this year, potentially called the “X Phone.” The specs of this powerhouse Android are impressive: a 4.7-inch full HD screen, NVIDIA Tegra 4i processor, 16MP camera and a 5MP front-facing camera and be only 7.9mm thin.
Of course, nothing is confirmed until Google or Motorola announce something. However, a hint of excitement came from Google’s Eric Schmidt at AllThingsD’s Dive into Mobile conference. While not specifically naming the X Phone, Schmidt declared that Motorola’s future products are “phenomenal,” “very impressive” and that we should “think of them as phones-plus.”
Certainly gives hope for the future. In addition to the specs, the X Phone is expected to have some sort of customization where users can select the colour of the casing, plus sport “eye tracking for scrolling on web pages and in emails.”
Source: The Verge
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