
BlackBerry’s CEO says they have a 50% chance of succeeding

John Chen BlackBerry CEO

BlackBerry’s newest CEO is honest — possibly too honest.

While the company is forging ahead and blazing a revitalized path that is focused on serving the enterprise user, John Chen stated in an interview with the Financial Times that the Waterloo-based company has a 50% chance of succeeding. Or, taken another way, a 50% chance of failing. Chen is putting the pressure on his leadership team and believes that success or failure will boil down to how well they execute the plan.

BlackBerry will be focussing on BBM, its popular messaging service, by increasing its usage and bringing in new forms of revenue, such as BBM Channels and eBBM. In addition, BlackBerry will be launching new handsets in emerging markets like the Z3 and later the Q20 as one of their flagship BB10 devices.

Source: FT
Via: N4BB

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