Never get lost in the mall again with Point Inside [App of the Week] - MobileSyrup

Never get lost in the mall again with Point Inside [App of the Week]

There’s little that is more daunting than trying to find and purchase something from a mall you don’t know very well.

You can hope for an interactive mall map, or at least a good poster map, but even those can be hard to find sometimes. Do away with that frustration for good with Point Inside, an app that offers indoor maps of most major North American shopping malls — from Toronto’s Eaton Center to Moncton, New Brunswick’s Champlain Place.


The app opens on a world map, and from there users can zoom in to see venues, or search by city. Once you pinpoint your mall of interest, just select it and a searchable indoor map pops up.

Users can zoom in to check out stores, amenities, escalators and exits, amongst other things. They an also slide up from the bottom to filter their search by things like ‘Restroom Women,’ ‘ATM’ or ‘Security.’

The app is available for free on both iOS and Android.

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