While I still contend that the Nintendo Switch has the potential to be an all-in-one console that’s capable of playing great games, but can also run Netflix, YouTube and handle light web browsing, no streaming app has hit the system yet — at least not until now.
Though Nintendo has said that Netflix will “come in time” to the home console-portable hybrid, the system has been out for four months now and there’s still no sign of the streaming platform arriving on the Switch. Japan, however, is set to get the first Switch streaming app in the form of a video platform called Niconico.
The Japanese-only streaming site is often compared to YouTube, though gaming companies also utilize it for announcements and events. It’s worth noting that Niconico was also the first streaming app to hit the PlayStation Vita.
It also looks like Nintendo is allowing companies to publish apps directly to the Switch’s eShop outside of major system updates. This means that if an app like Netflix were to hit the console, it wouldn’t need to coincide with the launch of a major update.
Via: The Verge
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