Apple is fixing 'chaiOS' text message bug next week

Apple is fixing ‘chaiOS’ text message bug next week

iPhone X

Just yesterday, news broke about a specific link-related exploit commonly referred to as the ‘chaiOS bug,’ which caused iMessage on iOS and macOS devices to instantly crash.

It looks like Apple already has a fix for the issue in the works though, with the company stating that the chaiOS bug will be patched in an upcoming software update set to arrive next week.

chaiOS was first uncovered by Abraham Masri who first tweeted about the bug, noting that it was linked to Effective Power, a significantly more serious issue uncovered back in 2015.

That particular exploit caused the iPhone to continuously crash when opened. While chaiOS doesn’t cause any permanent damage to an affected iOS device, it’s definitely annoying.

It’s good to see Apple move so quickly to solve this exploit, even if it isn’t actually that serious.

Source: Reddit Via: Engadget 

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