Virgin Mobile to introduce ‘Diamond’ rate plan tier on March 1st, 2018

Virgin Mobile to introduce ‘Diamond’ rate plan tier on March 1st, 2018

The new plan will not be available for new activations

Virgin Mobile logo

Virgin Mobile will unveil a brand new rate plan tier on March 1st, 2018.

According to internal documents obtained by MobileSyrup, Virgin’s new ‘Diamond’ rate plan will enable subscribers to “pay less for a hot new smartphone.”

The Diamond plan will not be available for new activations; only existing Virgin subscribers will be able to sign up for the plan. The plan itself will be available across Canada for hardware upgrades, and eligibility for the Diamond plan is determined based on subscriber credit.

Internal documents state that the new plan has the “same credit requirements as installments.”

“Existing members with credit conditions or who are not in good standing are not eligible,” reads an excerpt from the document.

Virgin is also directing its customer service representatives to “be straight up” with subscribers who are ineligible for the new plan.

The carrier also recommends that service reps explain to interested subscribers that the Diamond plan is new and “has not been rolled out to all members.”

Virgin subscribers interested in the plan should also be aware that the ‘My Account’ website might state that they are eligible to upgrade to the new plan.

MobileSyrup has yet to confirm pricing information for the new Diamond plan. This story will be updated when that information is available.

National carrier Bell, the parent company of Virgin Mobile, declined to comment when contacted by MobileSyrup.

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