DoorDash providing $1 million in grants to restaurants in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver

DoorDash providing $1 million in grants to restaurants in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver

Restaurants will be selected based on criteria set out in the application

DoorDash has announced that it’s providing $1,125,000 CAD in local COVID-19 relief grants to help restaurants in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver.

The company outlines that restaurants will be able to apply to receive a $3,000 grant to be used to offset costs associated with the pandemic.

The grant program is part of DoorDash’s five-year $200 million USD (about $255 million CAD) Main Street Strong Pledge program, which includes a $10 million USD (about $12.7 million CAD) grant to help restaurants in cities across Canada and the United States.

“Restaurants in our city have been heavily impacted by the ongoing pandemic. This new program from DoorDash embodies the importance of working together and supporting each other through these difficult times,” said Toronto Mayor John Tory in a press release.

Digital platform Hello Alice will manage the application and selection process for the program. The Ontario Chamber of Commerce will manage the distribution of funds recipients in each city.

DoorDash notes that restaurants will be selected based on criteria set out in the application. The company says that its process is intended to help ensure equal access to funds and eliminate selection bias.

Applications are open until February 17th, selected restaurants will be notified March 1st and funds will be distributed by early April.

Source: DoorDash

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