
Neil Young returns to Spotify after two-year boycott over Joe Rogan

Young took the opportunity to jab Spotify's "low res music" and asked the streamer to "start with a limited Hi res tier and build from there!"

Neil Young’s music is headed back to Spotify following a two-year boycott of the platform over vaccine misinformation on the Joe Rogan podcast.

In a blog post, the Canadian musician said he decided to return to Spotify because “Apple and Amazon have started serving the same disinformation podcast features I had opposed at Spotify.”

Young goes on to explain that he couldn’t just leave Apple and Amazon like he did with Spotify since his music “would have very little streaming outlet to music lovers at all.”

The move comes after Spotify dropped its exclusivity deal with Rogan, allowing the podcast to return to competing platforms.

Young initially removed his music from Spotify in early 2022, saying that the music streamer “has a responsibility to mitigate the spread of misinformation on its platform.” Canadian singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell joined Young in removing her music from Spotify over Rogan, though Mitchell’s music has yet to return.

It’s worth noting both musicians contracted polio as kids. The polio vaccine wasn’t developed until the 1950s, and it went on to nearly eliminate the virus, a testament to how effective and safe vaccines can be. Some people attributed the musicians’ Spotify boycott to their polio experience.

Beyond announcing his return to Spotify, Young also took the opportunity to throw a few jabs at Spotify, calling it “the #1 streamer of low res music in the world.” Young wrote that he returned to the platform “in sincere hopes that Spotify sound quality will improve and people will be able to hear and feel all the music as we made it.”

“Hopefully Spotify will turn to Hi Res as the answer and serve all the music to everyone. Spotify, you can do it! Really be #1 in all ways. You have the music and the listeners !!!! Start with a limited Hi res tier and build from there!”

Source: Neil Young Via: Engadget

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