
X formally permits adult content on its service

These rules will also apply to AI-generated videos and pictures

X (f0rmerly Twitter) has added new clauses to its rules, officially allowing users to post adult and graphic content on the service. X users will be able to post this content as long as it’s consensually produced and labelled as not safe for work (NSFW). These rules will also be for AI-generated videos and pictures.

While X hasn’t ever banned NSFW content, these new rules could allow it to become a service akin to OnlyFans or the new Tumblr. It’s worth noting that users under 18 or those who haven’t included their birth dates on their profiles won’t be able to see these posts.

Recently, X confirmed that it will remove the ability to see hiding and re-tweets in the next update. So, users will be able to officially like graphic content without other people seeing it.

Source: TechCrunch

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