
Google backtracks on policy to keep phones with unauthorized parts

Google says it "would not keep" a phone with unauthorized parts and will change its policy to reflect that

Google is reversing course on its repair policy to keep phones with unauthorized parts in them.

Earlier this week, the search giant came under fire after people noticed the company’s terms and conditions document related to device repairs specified that Google wouldn’t return any devices it received if they had unauthorized parts. In other words, if you repair a Pixel phone with a part not authorized by Google and then send that same phone to Google for a separate, unrelated repair, the company would just keep the phone.

People were understandably upset by the policy, but the company is now reversing course. In a statement to Android Authority, Google said it was updating the terms and conditions to clarify that it “would not keep [a device] regardless of whether it has non-OEM parts or not.”

“If a customer sends their Pixel to Google for repair, we would not keep it regardless of whether it has non-OEM parts or not. In certain situations, we won’t be able to complete a repair if there are safety concerns. In that case, we will either send it back to the customer or work with them to determine next steps. Customers are also free to seek the repair options that work best for them. We are updating our Terms and Conditions to clarify this.”

The policy to keep phones with unauthorized parts has been in effect since at least July 19th, 2023. At the time of publication, the terms and conditions document still included the policy to keep devices. It’s not clear when Google will update the document.

Source: Android Authority

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