Apple Pay could launch in Canada by the first half of this year - MobileSyrup

Apple Pay could launch in Canada by the first half of this year

Apple Pay MasterPass

Apple launched Apple Pay, its mobile payment and digital wallet service, in the United States last October. The company stated yesterday that Apple Pay has “been a favourite of customers, merchants and app developers,” and now supports banks and credit unions which represent “about 90 percent of credit card purchase volume in the US.” However, there has been some question as to whether Apple Pay would be seen in Canada any time soon.

“Apple has given no indication as to when it will come to Canada or even if,” said analyst Troy Crandall of MacDougall, MacDougall & MacTier late last year. “However, it is logical that it is something they are likely working on for the future. But is Canada one of the main priorities? I would probably say no.”

According to reputable Apple-focussed site 9to5Mac, Apple is preparing for a Canadian launch of Apple Pay some time “early 2015.” According to its sources, Apple is working with launch partners about advertising and we could see it officially arrive as soon as March.

It’s unknown what Canadian merchants, banks and credit unions Apple is currently speaking with, nor how long the talks have been happening. Surely there’ll be questions about security, privacy, adoption, and functionality from its partners and the government. One of the partners could be TD Canada Trust,as its operations in the U.S. just made Apple Pay available to its customers.

Apple Pay is currently compatible with the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and Apple Watch (when paired with a iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, or iPhone 6 Plus).

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