Samsung releases Gear S3 Android and iOS compatibility chart

Samsung releases Gear S3 Android and iOS compatibility chart

Samsung Gear S3 on wrist

Samsung’s Gear S3 doesn’t play well with others.

All of the smartwatch’s core functionalities work well with Samsung smartphones. The same, however, can’t be said for other Android or iOS devices.

Samsung posted a chart that details how well certain features work with non-Samsung devices. Although we here at MobileSyrup haven’t tested the Gear S3 with an iOS device, SamMobile confirms the two have compatibility issues.

Gear S3 compatibility chart

Although it’s still able to do things like push notifications and forward calls, none of the Gear S3’s other features will work perfectly. For instance, there’s limited compatibility when it comes to the Gear S3’s messaging features, apps, as well as S Health and watch face functionality. Meanwhile, e-mail and Samsung Pay do not function at all.

However, how limited is limited compatibility? The chart also shows that the Gear S3’s calling, messaging and e-mail features are limited when paired with a non-Samsung Android device. That said, while using the Samsung Gear S3 and my Nexus 6P, I was able to read and reply to text, read and go through my e-mails as well as accept calls and converse solely through the watch.

When it comes to the Gear S3 and iOS, it’s fair to say most people did not expect the two platforms to work perfectly with one another.

Source: Samsung 

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