Family sharing on Google Photos, Keep and Calendar rolling out today in Canada

Family sharing on Google Photos, Keep and Calendar apps rolling out in Canada

Google photos on phone

Google is making sharing content between families easier.

Currently, users can share their Android apps, TV shows, movies, music and books from the Play Store, with up to five family members. Now, Google is adding its family plan to the Google Photos, Keep and Calendar apps.

While Google plans on making a more significant update for its Google Photos app — announced at Google I/O last week — this is the first update that will allow families to share photos more easily. The Google Photos update will include a new ‘family group’ option that appears when sending video or pictures so family photos can be sent there for the entire family to see.

With Google Keep, any family member can interact with a shared note. A user can choose whether they want to share a note with a family member, letting that user make edits or create lists. The notes being shared with family members feature a house with a heart in the centre, so users know what is being shared.

Furthermore, Google Calendar’s family sharing options will automatically appear once a family group is created and users that are not in the family can’t be invited to see the calendar, but can still be invited to events.

Family sharing for Google Photos, Keep and Calendars is set to roll out in Canada, Japan, U.S., U.K. and many more countries starting today.

Source: The Verge

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