
Samsung Instinct Launch Party pics

Bid day tomorrow in Canada! Another highly anticipated launch of what is expected to be a massive seller. The Samsung Instinct will be available to all those who are waiting for the “iPhone Killer” or “Apple Eater“. Bell and Telus are the lucky ones who will reap the benefits of this phone…It has done wonders for Sprint in the US.

We had a chance to play with the Instinct at the official launch party and we must say it is incredibly light and easy to navigate. This gem features a touch screen interface that vibrates when you change applications, full QWERTY keyboard, GPS, a music player, full HTML browser, watch movies, 2.0 mega pixel camera with 4x digital zoom and video camcorder. The price will be $129.95 on a three-year contract, $279.95 on a two-year contract or $429.95 on a one-year contract, Or no contract for $479.95. We will have a full review shortly.

Here are some pics and handouts from the launch party:

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