
Uber Eats now charges delivery fees based on location

Add extra cheese to your pizza -- delivery just got cheaper

Uber Eats app

Uber Eats is changing up how it charges delivery fees, and the company says the shift will help you save money.

Instead of charging a flat $4.99 CAD fee (depending on the city), the company will base the price off of your location, among other factors.

What this means for users is that the restaurant around the corner may be cheaper than the one across town.

Furthermore, Uber Eats will start highlighting delivery fees up front and throughout the app interface. When scrolling through the app, you’ll see the delivery fee listed alongside the estimated delivery time and restaurant rating.

Additionally, Uber will let you sort restaurants based on the delivery fee. This gives users lots of options when it comes to finding a place to eat.

While variable delivery means can mean some restaurants will cost you more, Uber offers plenty of tools for users to find ways to save. The company claims that it saw lower delivery fees on 52 percent of orders during testing.

To add to all this, Uber Eats has recently expanded to 30 new Canadian cities and brought restaurants like Baskin-Robbins and A&W into its delivery service.

Great options and food and cheaper delivery fee make Uber Eats a more appetizing alternative.

Source: Uber

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