
Google launches AI-powered tool to help conservationists track wildlife

The tool can also be accessed by the public

Google has launched an AI-powered ‘Wildlife Insights’ tool that aims to help conservationists and researchers track wildlife.

The tool helps them track wildfire by going through the images and sharing them in a searchable public database. The AI system is trained to automatically delete pictures that don’t include any wildlife. It also labels animals that it does spot in an image.

This helps researchers and conservationists track animal populations and monitor how they have been impacted by climate change.

“Anyone collecting camera trap photos can upload and share them with the global conservation community. Photos are stored online so you can access them from anywhere, from any device or computer, even out in the field,” the website reads.

Although the website is designed for researchers, it can be used by the public. You can parse through more than four million pictures through a map that has filters for categories such as countries and species.

Source: Google

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