
We’re better than this

At around 9am this morning, MobileSyrup.com went down. Hard.

A cluster of servers at our hosting provider’s facilities lost power, and the trip was so severe that hundreds of boxes needed to be individually rebooted and their contents checked for errors against existing backups. Regularly, this process should have only taken a 15-20 minutes, but the hosting company ran a File System Check (FSCK) on our server’s Linux partition to ensure its overall health and integrity.

But none of this should matter to you; all you care about is that MobileSyrup is accessible, fast and responsive. Today, we were none of those things, and we missed opportunities to bring you great mobile news from Canada and around the world. We’re sorry about that, and are working with our provider to prevent it from happening again.

Every website goes down: power gets lost; hard drives fail; people screw up. All we can do, as owners and content creators, is to execute strategies and backups, and that the people we employ perform their due diligence. When the site went down today, it became quickly apparent that not only do you rely on our work to keep you informed, but we do, too. MobileSyrup is part of our blood, part of our identities, and we’re better than this.

Thanks once again for your patience and understanding today.

Image credit: Sam Spratt, Gizmodo

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