
MobileSyrup Community is now open! Come join the conversation

There is nothing better than a good conversation, and  MobileSyrup readers are incredibly passionate. Whether it’s the latest smartphone, tablet, smartwatch, fitness band or even the latest game, Canadians are more connected now than ever before.

Today, we’re launching the MobileSyrup Community. Signing up for our community is a simple affair: either drop in an email and password, or log in through your favourite social platform, and you’ll be good to join in the conversation.

Since our core focus on MobileSyrup is providing Canadian-centric news and reviews, the community will be a place for you to post questions and find answers, or just randomly rant about a specific company, carrier or operating system.

There are four sections within the Community:

– Carriers: Discuss the latest on Canadian carriers, such as plans, phones or coverage.

– Platforms: Discuss the latest news or updates on iOS, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone.

– Manufacturers: Discuss the latest trends, designs, sales and defects from various mobile manufacturers.

– General Discussions: Discuss anything and everything you want, such as gaming, accessories and wearables.

The latest posts will appear at the top of the forum, but if you’re interested in keeping up with a specific topic, we’ve included a subscribe button that will notify you of replies.

You love to talk. We love to talk. Let’s do it together.

Enter the MobileSyrup Community here

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